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I’m excited to announce that I’m heading back to my hometown of Amarillo for two special appearances. At both events, autographed copies of Tuned In: Memoirs of a Piano Man and CDs will be available for purchase (cash preferred. : ) Hope to see you there!
– Jim
Friday Sept 6 (7:30pm)
Friends of Fogelberg Concert
I’ll be performing a couple of songs and sharing some Dan stories from my book.

Saturday Sept 7 (2pm)
Meet and Greet / Book Signing
3701 Plains Blvd
Amarillo, TX
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the A.J. Swope Foundation.
I’ll be reading a couple of chapters from my book. C’mon down and say hi!





Behind the Scenes with Music Legends and Finding the Artist Within

So, there he was, Jim Wilson, a piano tuner from Texas, in Sussex England, sharing a piano bench and playing Lady Madonna with Paul McCartney.

This is just one of the strange-but-true stories that pepper Jim Wilson’s remarkable autobiography, Tuned In: Memoirs of a Piano Man. It is a page-turner and a life-changer, an entertaining, revealing lesson to us all.

Wilson began tuning pianos to support his music career having moved from Amarillo to Los Angeles. He turned out to be so good at it, his sideline eclipsed his music for years, leading him to tune, rebuild and transform the cherished pianos of pretty well anyone who was anyone in music, Burt Bacharach, Quincy Jones, Barbra Streisand, you name it. And because they loved their pianos, they loved Jim.

His hand in the development of the world’s first MIDI-adapter for acoustic piano led to him sharing adventures, sessions, meals, and laughs with dozens of his childhood heroes, including Elton John, Carole King, and Phil Collins. His front row seat provided him with a rare and fascinating view into their creative processes.

His friend and skiing partner Dan Fogelberg was the man who put him back on the path to playing and recording. Fogelberg was just one of the guest artists who feature on Jim Wilson’s own recordings, along with David Sanborn, J.D. Souther, Chris Botti, and Stanley Clarke. As Burt Bacharach said of Jim’s music, it makes ‘a classy, artistic statement’. Carole King called her friend’s work ‘a magical carpet ride of melodic beauty’.

The public agrees. With over 75 million streams, two PBS specials, hitting number 2 in the Billboard instrumental charts twice and topping the charts on Amazon and iTunes, Jim Wilson was honored as a ‘Lifetime Member’ of the Recording Academy. He’s composed for CBS-TV series ‘Frank’s Place’ and was featured on CNN’s ‘Showbiz Today’.

The kid with chronic stage fright, beat his demons and toured as a solo artist, with his own six-piece band, culminating in a sell-out, televised homecoming spectacular back in Amarillo.

Tuned In: Memoirs of a Piano Man is more than just a great read. At times hilarious, outrageous, and heartbreaking, it’s a lesson to us all to never give up, never to let your fears get the better of you and to aim high.



Tuned In: Memoirs of a Piano Man is scheduled for release on April 2, 2024.

(Available for pre-order through all digital retailers on January 17, 2024)

Smith Publicity

Andrea Kiliany Thatcher (She/Her), Publicity Manager,

andrea.thatcher@smithpublicity • 856-489-8654 x1027


Jim was recently honored with the nomination below for his song “Tangerine Moon”. Fingers crossed!

 (Click on the nomination to view the video!)

Remembrance Released

Pianist-composer Jim Wilson embarks on an evocative journey of “Remembrance”

His tenth collection of soul-stirring cinematic portraits now available.

SHERMAN OAKS Along life’s journey, we may be lucky enough to meet someone who inspires us, has a lasting impact and transforms how we love and live our own life. Pianist Jim Wilson recently said goodbye to his inspirational figure when his aunt passed away at age 97. He wrote “The Girl From Eastland County” for Aunt Billie Jo for his forthcoming tenth album, “Remembrance: A Collection of Cinematic Portraits,” but the presence of the woman who embodied unconditional love is felt throughout the redolent session of poignant piano poetry that drops September 28 from Willow Bay Music. Remembering another dear confidante, Andrew Gold, Wilson offers a sprightly instrumental remake of the late singer-songwriter’s worldwide hit “Thank You For Being A Friend,” which was remixed for radio airplay by the track’s guitarist Chris Standring.

On “Remembrance,” Wilson pours his seemingly endless fount of sweeping melodies and grandiose harmonies to craft vivid sonicscapes rendered with heart and emotion. Inherently expressive and sentimental, his exquisite piano strikes resonant notes that penetrate deep to the core. The color and scope applied to Wilson’s canvases vary, sometimes favoring a full palate of lavish orchestrations such as on opener “Shadow Falls,” the title track, “Under A Highlands Moon” and “Denouement”; other times choosing dreamlike ambient hues (“Tangerine Moon” and “Diogenes Lantern”); or opting to leave his reverential pencil sketches sparsely adorned (“In The Stillness” and “Home is Where the Heart Is”). Whether the accompaniment be minimal and atmospheric or illumined by noteworthy musicians including keyboardist Brad Cole (Phil Collins), drummer Charlie Morgan (Elton John), Irish flutist Eric Rigler (“Titanic” soundtrack) and noted session players Troy Dexter (guitar) and Neil Stubenhaus (bass), Wilson’s aim is to connect and lead his listeners on an affecting path of discovery.

“I’ve always been told that my music has a visual quality to it, but I wanted to take it to a new level with this record, creating a collection of ‘cinematic portraits’ that take the listener on an emotional journey. ‘Remembrance’ has a reverent, contemplative feel that serves as centerpiece for the rest of the album. What matters most is that this music enriches the lives of those who hear it,” said Wilson, who concluded by addressing the role his aunt still plays in his life. “I strive to be more like her in every aspect of my life.”

Wilson grew up in Amarillo, Texas, but he has long been based in the Los Angeles area. Three of his albums have hit the Billboard Top 20 – “Northern Seascape,” “Cape of Good Hope” and “A Place In My Heart” – and two of his concerts have been made into PBS specials, including “A Place In My Heart.” His work as an innovator pioneered and revolutionized MIDI adaptors for piano by allowing it to interact with computers and synthesizers. He taught Paul McCartney, Elton John, Jackson Browne, Burt Bacharach, Carole King and many others how to use the MIDI-piano. As a composer for work of visual mediums, Wilson wrote music for the CBS television series “Frank’s Place.” In addition to solo performances, he has long served as keyboardist and music director for singer-songwriter Stephen Bishop, with whom he is presently touring and opening for.

Wilson’s “Remembrance” contains the following songs:

  • “Shadow Falls”
  • “Remembrance”
  • “The Girl From Eastland County”
  • “In the Stillness”
  • “Tangerine Moon”
  • “Home is Where the Heart Is”
  • “Diogenes Lantern”
  • “Under a Highlands Moon”
  • “Thank You For Being A Friend”
  • “Denouement”

Press Release By: Great Scott Productions /


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