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One night, a girl was coming out of a 7-11 convenience store and noticed a one-week old stray kitten. This good Samaritan cradled this tiny kitten with one hand, while she searched for help on her phone with the other. After hours of calls she contacted the good people at, who drove down to pick her up and take her to the Beverly Oaks Animal Hospital in Sherman Oaks, CA. This poor kitten had ring worms so bad she wasn’t expected to live through the night. Miraculously, she survived. She spent the first 4 months of her life in a cage being nursed back to health.

She was then taken in by a compassionate foster care family. We saw pix of her online and fell for her intelligent presence and her “you lookin’ at me?” pose. In time, she evolved from a timorous kitten who avoided contact, into a playful, funny, insanely smart cat.

Here’s to our beloved furry friends, the boundless joy they bring, and their invaluable examples of unconditional love.

Click above to watch “The Story of Maxie” video.


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